When all you want seems out of reach
Oct 31, 2022
Response-Ability Digest
10.2022 (Belated)
When all you want seems out of reach When you feel like you can’t “get your life together” When everyone else seems to be moving forward but you … As my Oldest Favorite Book* Reminds Me: “Don’t Panic!” |
It was Day 4, the last day of the 1st Annual Polyvagal Conference in Jacksonville, FL. I texted my team and said: “Imagine Tom Hanks in Castaway coming back and being around people after being alone for so long. I feel so much clearer in some ways, and so much more foggy in others. I may need to talk with you as my ‘Wilson’ to get clarity again. It’s not competitive here - it’s so supportive… and that feels dysregulating. It’s not bad - just a lot.” I was tired and my body was taxed from continual social stimulation after years of being somewhat isolated. It was what I had craved for - to connect to my community of professionals in the Polyvagal Community - and yet, I was teetering on the edge of depleted. I was entering a state of Dysregulation*
Before you read the next thoughts that showed up for me in this moment here is an important thing to remember:
So here comes some old beliefs up into my precious dysregulated brain:“You are never going to be as successful as the people here. Look at them Everyone is so far ahead of you - just give up. You don’t know what you’re talking about, why are you even here? Who do you think you are calling yourself THE Polyvagal Coach?” So Now What?This is where learning the skill of The Maintenance of Being Human comes in to play. As I continue to learn How to care for Myself in times of dysregulation, I am less and less caught to the dysregulation itself. Because… Guess What? I Know the Not a Secret-Secret: Dysregulation Happens.And I am familiar with HOW I experience a dysregulated state. This is not a flex… It’s just a skill developed from years of applying the things we talk about here in the RAD (and for those of you who are my clients - in session). And, honestly, my wish is to keep putting this into action continuously. Yep. Continuously. Because when it comes to Being Human - there is no Mastery - we aren’t intended to become “Masters” of Being Human. We are intended to learn how to Interact with our Human-ness.
This can be super frustrating to hear when there is a part of me that just wants the hard to be over. The yucky slimy mire to be cleared and I want to feel better now. When I haven’t learned yet that Discomfort doesn’t mean Danger. To this part of me - this is definitely “Bad News”. To another part of me - perhaps the part I am learning to nurture and develop Right Here in This Moment - well… to that part, this is really “Good News”.
This part of me Remembers to:Pause Notice The Body Breathing Or Notice the Room I Am In Take 1 Tiny Baby Action Step Towards my Goal Rest and Coregulate & Self-Regulate Start Again
So on that day… On Day 4 of the Polyvagal Conference… I stood there full of appreciation for my body’s remarkable ability to navigate stress… full of old beliefs showing up… And I took those 5 Steps listed above. I gave my seat mates hugs and wished them well. And I went up to my room and rested. And… you know what? I needed more time than I could have anticipated to rest. Which is why, Dear One, I am releasing the October (and November) RAD in December. I do wish that I didn’t need as much time as I did - of course I do, duh - I take my work seriously and I value You. And I have made a promise to all of my clients, to all of you - my family, friends and community and to Myself. I have made the promise that I will not offer something that will cause harm. Which means… sometimes my ego is refined along the way in this gift of Being Human.
Sending you a great big regulated, rested and belated hug. Your Coach, Alecia
*My oldest favorite book is: Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The cover to the book has in large friendly letters on the cover “Don’t Panic!” -which has been a source of perspective and humor for me since reading it at the age of 16. |
Practical Application:This month, let’s look at what happens for your own Body & Mind when the nervous system is in a dysregulated state and then make 1 baby step towards a goal you have in mind.
Getting familiar with your own nervous system and how it works in the process of dysregulation is vital in coming to have more ownership and choice in challenging times. Exercise: Playing with Goals and Self-Understanding
Pro-Tip: For Step 1 it is better to start with an itty bitty almost silly goal. Remember our ultimate desire in this month’s Practical Application is to get to know HOW dysregulation shows up for you and then to apply steps to Coregulate or Self-Regulate. You can increase the size of the goal incrementally. At first, the skill is learning to listen! |
Dear One, The first video is a brief exercise in working with negative self-talk. Seriously, it’s brief less than 2 minutes! The second video shares a great metaphor in working with that lovely inner voice that begins speaking in dysregulation. I hope you watch and enjoy both of these videos! Dr. Russ Harris is an inspiration in speaking on these big topics with informed humor - as most of you know this is my favorite kind of support ;-) |
SERIES: I am Not a Scientist - But I’m Learning Science ThingsSo There’s Information Inside & Outside of Me - But How Does That Help? |
Last month we discussed, in part, the importance of Interoception or the Sensors in the body that send you information about what’s going on Inside of the body (like when you’re hungry or have a headache).
And now, here we are discussing the promised: Exteroception! And, yes, Exteroception is probably exactly what you’re thinking: How the Sensors in the body send information coming from Outside the body: Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch & Smell
This is how all of the External Sensation and Receptors send the external information to the brain. The nervous systems job is to send information to the brain through these Afferent pathways (Body to Brain)… How we interpret this information however? Well… That is many many hours of discussion and support can be found through lots of different disciplines.
For the sake of Baby Science let’s think of How & When to lean upon Interoceptive Awareness or Exteroceptive Awareness in times of stress.
If you’re one of my clients, you may have heard me say many times: When Things are Complex - Keep the Support Simple.
With Simplicity at the forefront of this Baby Science Series I’d like to share 2 short reels from Dr. Anthony Huberman on how to choose between Interoceptive or Exteroceptive Support:
Should You Do Interoceptive or Exteroceptive Meditation? - Dr. Andrew Huberman:
Interoception and Exteroception Short Explanation: Dr. Andrew Huberman:
Isn’t this interesting? By learning How to listen to different forms of information both internally and externally, you will begin to discern How you may need support in any given situation!
So if you find yourself lost in the Sea of External Sensations perhaps bring your attention to the Body Is Breathing or the Toes are Moving.
If you find yourself thinking every Internal Sensation is: “Danger!!!” perhaps bring your attention to the colors in the room you are in, or to the sounds you are hearing in your favorite song.
Awe… Baby Science… No pressure, eh? Just all of us Humans learning bit by bit, together.
In Science and Safety, Laughter and Connection,
PS: Here is a Bonus little Example of how to possibly use the Exteroceptors as a support:
The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety:
* LEARNING BONUS *Click the links below to read a more in-depth article on Exteroception: |
Thank you…SethAhhh my friend. Thank you for teaching me how to feel big feelings with another person in a safe way. For matching my intensity outside of the Mt Airy house in one of our many moments when two super feelers meet in a sensory overload. You hold a special place in my heart for the “interchange of encouragement” you offer freely - not only over these past 20+ years, but especially during 2020 when I wasn’t sure what was up or down - You sent so many videos reminding me to laugh and telling me how much faith you had that I would make it through. What an invaluable support this perspective is - remembering not to take myself so seriously. Thank you for being “a brother born in times of distress “- I Know you are a blessing into forever. Alecia |